Every so often I have to slow down and take a moment to look
in a mirror.
I’m not talking about a cursory glance to check hair or
make-up, no…I mean looking into the depths of the reflection – into *who* I see
Most of us focus on the *what* of our reflections – our
looks, signs of aging on our skin, clothing lines…but those things are not
important – not really.
What matters most is seen only when we gaze deeply into our
own eyes – the window to our very soul.
There was a point in my life when this was an uncomfortable exercise
for me. I couldn't look for long…I’d begin to squirm and a blush would begin to
creep across my cheeks.
Shame will do that to a person.
After years of hearing how wrong I was, how fat I was, how
useless and ungrateful I was…among other things…I had grown ashamed of myself.
Wait…that’s not entirely true…I was not ashamed of *myself* …my
True Self was always there, whole and waiting to be recognized…she had been
forced back, to cower in a dark corner – but she was there. I had learned shame
– shame of “self” that was being projected by the constant
reminders of the wrongness and imperfections within me.
None of us is perfect – not one. However, we are not so
flawed that we cannot exist and thrive in the confines of this world – an imperfect
world for that matter.
Society goes out of its way to point out our flaws and
imperfections – in high definition on gigantic wide-screens with surround sound
& CG special effects…but we must remind ourselves that those are
superficial qualities.
Our True Self lives at the core of our being – it cannot be
touched by “the world” and all its infectious hatred. Deep down you are exactly
as you were the day you entered this world – a true reflection of what YOU are
intended to be …with only gained knowledge added to the mix.
Only by gazing deeply into our own eyes can we grasp how
amazing this Self is.
The first time I tried this little “self-awareness”
exercise I was in tears within a short while…I found that I wasn’t able to
pretend when connected to my Self…I had to face the music, deal with the
baggage I had allowed to accumulate and throw away the useless junk and
After the housekeeping was done…I was amazed! I’m a pretty
neat person! =) No, really! I am! SO ARE YOU! You are an amazing, wonderful,
loving, lovable human being!! You were placed on this earth for a time – to learn
some lessons, to meet others, to love and be loved – and to pass on the wisdom
you gain alone the way.
This life is a Journey – the path is much smoother is we
connect with who we really are deep down.
Take a few moments to look in a mirror. Lean in. Lock eyes
with the person you see there. No pretense, no veils, just you and your True
Who do you see?
Beautiful post from a beautiful soul.